Metal detectors

> A metal detector is an electronic instrument which detects the presence of metal nearby. Metal detectors are useful for finding metal inclusions hidden within objects, or metal objects buried underground (Wikipedia). Metal detectors are nowadays designed to suite the need of the individuals and companies. Due to the increased terrorist activities in East Africa and also due to the increase in theft of gold bearing materials from the gold mining industries both local and international here in Tanzania, Soptech security company saw the need of supplying metal detectors and gives appropriate training so as to minimize theft of gold bearing materials and other metallic company properties from Gold mining industries and other private companies, also with these metal detectors one can discourage and control carrying of weapons  in public places such as entertainment clubs, banks etc. See the major two types of metal detectors supplied by Soptech security company ltd.

  • Hand held metal detectors
  • Walk through metal detectors.

If you want to get more information about Metal detectors don’t hesitate to contact us.